Over the past 10 years I have helped over 800 business owners catch the break in their business that it needed to thrive and grow to be successful. It seems like just yesterday I was still at my desk in Blue Field elementary teaching kindergarteners.
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Let’s get into the 7 habits of people who have work/life balance. But first- we need to define some things so we’re all on the same page.
The definition of habit is: a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up
Work/life balance absolutely means different things to different people but for the intents and purposes of this blog post, we mean it as having a balance between working and extracurricular activities of any kind.
Balance is just that: being able to distribute the weight of something to remain upright and steady. Visually, I like to think of a see saw when both sides are off the ground and they’re almost parallel to the ground. Do you remember doing that as a kid? Do you remember how good that felt to be suspended in the air with your playground friend and you’re both dangling your feet with joy? I definitely do and it felt great.
The thing with balance though is it is always shifting and moving and while that’s part of the reason so many people say that work/life balance doesn’t exist- it’s more about the fact that there is movement than equal 50/50 distribution.
So here are the top 7 habits that people who have some semblance of work/life balance tend to have.
If you don’t make it a habit to manage your time, your time will manage you and you’ll always seem to be running out of it or spending too much of it on “unnecessary” things.
Plugging tasks, meetings and appointments in your calendar is crucial to not letting the day or one to-do item suck all of your time up and make your day a mess. Scheduling things ensures that things get done, you show up on time and you show up in the first place. This is such a slept on habit.
I know Shonda Rhimes has her book about saying Yes, and it’s important to agree to things and show up + get out of your comfort zones, but we absolutely must be able to say NO sometimes too. Saying NO frees up time and space for what’s important. Saying NO enables you to have control over what gets done vs what ends up waiting. And solid boundaries are something that if you don’t have- work/life balance will always be but a dream.
If you don’t give your mind & body a break, your body & mind will do it for you. And it’ll usually be at a super annoying and inconvenient time. So get ahead of this and take breaks. Plan to go on that vacation. Make space to lounge and watch a Netflix series. Read a book. Stare at a wall while you pet your dog/cat. Whatever you do- step away from your phone and computer and even your office, and take a break.
No one likes the hangry version of you, nor do they want to see you sick or malnourished. Taking care of your body is a reflection of how you take care of your business – whether we want to view it as such or not. We must take care of ourselves. Going to get those annual check-ups, drinking water, resting, showering and taking those vitamins. I see so many entrepreneurs with their heads so close to their computer and their health going down the drain. Remember: health is wealth! And you deserve to be healthy!
We must remain focused. We must keep our heads in the game. We have to! If we let the latest shiny thing enter the chat every single time it pops up or walks by, we’ll not only never get anything done but we won’t move the needle in any aspect of our lives. Know your why, get clear on your purpose and move full steam ahead. Take breaks, yes, but don’t take the bait.
This whole “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” bit is incredibly lame and unhealthy. It’s also not fun or sustainable. Believe me- I’ve seen a lot of people try and fail at this. It simply isn’t worth it. I’m here to tell you right now that it is possible to have a solid work ethic and get 7hrs of sleep a night (women need more sleep btw). REST. Give your brain a break. Give your eyes a break from staring at that computer. Isn’t it interesting that we tend to get some of our best ideas when we’re lying in bed trying to sleep or taking a shower or walking the dog? There’s a reason why and it’s worth paying attention to. Sleep, please.
Work/Life Balance does not have to be an illusive topic or pipe dream. You can absolutely create a version of this for yourself starting right now. There’s no need to wait (unless you’re supposed to be sleeping right now- in which case, hit me up in the morning and let’s discuss this more tomorrow).
Whitney Danielle
© 2024 Whitney Danielle Coaching www.whitneydanielle.com
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